5v5 has also received some minor quality of life improvements, though only the dedicated players will probably even notice the advantages they offer. There were several things added, which I do believe I alluded to in a previous article, such as the spirit wells that provide buffs to the entire party, which adds another layer of strategy to the team-based game. The standard 3v3/5v5 are still around, though the Twisted Treeline 3v3 got a much needed overhaul in season 3. There are several game modes that have stuck around throughout the lifespan of League of Legends. I’d also like to take this time to shamelessly plug her amazing cosplay, on Facebook at “Nox Going Wolf.” She’ll be at PAX East this year (and I will be jealous, and not!) with a variety of cosplays on display, such as Nasus! See? It’s even topical. There are many who would do well to remember that. It was a pleasure, because I do not play many ARAMs, but they were a ball, even when I was horrid, because she reminds me that it’s all in fun. I would also like to take this time to thank Lady Mowgli, for taking the time to play with a baddie like myself.

Instead, I will be focusing on the main brunt of changes that have occurred between the seasons.

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I will be skipping things like that since one can simply read patch notes or LoL dedicated sites to get caught up on them. Several important changes have occurred in the game, outside of character balance. How one gets there however, certainly has. In League of Legends, as in any MOBA, the goal is to use teamwork and skill to go from your side of the field to the enemies, knocking over towers, completing other objectives, and ultimately, destroying their base. The same game modes exist, with 3v3 (a reworked version of the Twisted Treeline I knew in season 2), 5v5 (Summoners Rift, Dominion, ARAM), though as of this writing, two game modes have come and gone, which will be given a bit more detail later. There have been changes, but not for changes’ sake, but for the betterment of the game. Many things changed between seasons 3 and 4, but the gameplay is still very consistent, offering the same three lanes, and for the most part, the same jungle. So, here I am! League of Legends is on its fourth season of competitive play, and at current has well over a hundred champions, each with its own style of gameplay.

Be that as it may, everyone else on the team decided to haze the new guy, pitting me on a weekend bender of MOBA games. I myself have been playing since the beginning of Season 2, and I have played enough to know that I am still horrible at the game. League of Legends is the MOBA everyone knows, and loves.